You are genius,
You are someone,
Who can mesmerise anyone,
But when you were lonely,
You found no one.
You showed,
How to deal with life,
Your films motivated,
To achieve something in life.
The films you did,
Were definitely splendid,
The joy in your eye,
Showed the way to shine.
But from inside,
You broke,
No one noticed,
The pain you suffered.
Your acting,
Will always keep supporting,
The young generation,
Your contribution to the industry,
Is surely infinite.
But suddenly,
You left the world,
Keeping everyone in dismay,
You didn't deserve this,
This can't be your end.
Wherever may you be now,
I am sure,
You will find happiness,
All around,
The pain you suffered,
Is gone forever.
By your talent,
You have booked,
A permanent place,
In everyone's heart.

So sad to lose him so early.