Personal growth can be as little as being mindful of how you treat others. Over the years of making myself, I have met a lot of people. There was not one, who would acknowledge me for who I was. I was happy but may not be satisfied. Living in a deceptive reality, realization comes only when you find the one thing that truly matters, the question we all should be asking; "Am I still where I was 5 years down the line?"
I was always a happy-go-lucky kid, always very social. At the back of my mind I was constantly reminded of my weight gain as a sudden hormonal change. For years I struggled through this, until I decided to change myself, for myself. To where I was physically, mentally and emotionally, I acknowledge myself. Changing into a healthy routine does wonders. And by no means should you assume that big girls are struggling, they might be happy in their own skin. To help, you can just acknowledge them.
Too skinny, too big, too dark, too light. There's no end to this. In the end, all comes down to ''you''. Personal growth is what we should seek. Be gentle, be kind. It is not just about your physical reality, but your internal realization as well.
I loved all 68kgs of myself.
I love all the 17kgs I lost. And the remaining 51 is my personal growth.
On a journey to be you, you'll be lost. You might need a day or two off, but you will come back stronger. Every day is the start of your personal growth.
(Note-This is not a weightloss journey, this is a journey of being mindful.)
Neha Bharali 🌻
And let me tell you this is an inspiring and beautiful journey that teaches oneself the value of "self-love"!!
Wow. Beautifully penned Neha. And so true too. Personal growth is what matters. If we search that in fictional characters then why not within us too 💕💕.
And being mindful is the actual element of being healthy. How ypu look, does not matter but it's very important to love yourself. I am a skinny girl and I am used to people passing comments since my childhood. There was a time, when people's sayings bothered me. But now, it just don't give me a reason to bother, because I love myself more than anything else. I am thankful for the way I am made by God. Isn't that enough? Let the world shout. You be silent and love yourself.
Thanks Neha, for this beautiful piece.