One day I woke up
to the song of the Subansiri.
Unfolding through the meanders,
Her voice reached me.
And she narrated
how devastated she was,
once the storm broke in.
How wreck she looked,
after the furore.
How her ridges broke off
and how she caused the havoc of the town .
She weeped for the sorrow,
She bestowed to her people.
And she screamed for the scars
That could never be scraped off .
But as the autumn came,
She regained her beauty again.
She became the calm serene flow
With the melody of her own.
Becoming the veins that run along
Residing under the vast blue.
So, she asked me to do the same.
Because pain is temporary ,
In the time game.
Only I need to never give up,
Is what she asked me to get on.
For this cycle of change goes on and on.