Have you ever thought about time travel? Some believe that going back and forth in time is possible while others believe it to be a ridiculous idea. What if I told you it was actually possible to travel back to the past? It is our memories that act like our tickets to the past. Like a portal, you can just jump right in and visit anytime. We tend to replay our favorite memories again and again just like watching a movie on repeat. Unlike movies, you do not need a device to play it on or do not have to go through the hassle of downloading or searching for it, our magnificent mind does all that work on it's own and free of cost. Storing, remembering, highlighting and replaying. I think of our brain as a large library divided by a wall into two sections. One stores in numerous drawers, facts and figures, names and addresses, Shakespeare's verses and Mesopotamian glory, lineage of kings and emperors and composition of planets and black hole, historical dates and quadratic equations, scientific formulas and capitals of different nations. All that information collected and stored that aided in our academics or are simply answers to our curiosity. But unlike that, the other side of the walls is again divided into two groups, colour coded in grey and yellow. But these drawers do not just contain mere facts that you can readily look up on the internet. The contents of these drawers are unique to every person alive. These drawers store all our memories that we have made throughout our lives. Your best birthday, when you felt your happiest is safely stored in a yellow drawer, star marked by the drawer which stores the moments of your first kiss and in a gloomy looking grey drawer is tightly locked up, the day you lost your favourite pet alongside they day you gave up on your dreams and lost all hope. Tickets to all kinds of memories, happy and heart breaking. And sometimes we lose our tickets, we misplace it in some corner of our mind just like we misplace our car keys or a handkerchief. Hence, colour coding saves you from the astonishment of accidentally opening a wrong memory. Remembrance is beautiful and just like love, one feels it as intensely and passionately, it is like saying to another person that you mean to me so much that I'll watch our clip and live this moment over and over again. No matter if it fills me with utmost joy or shatters me and makes me weep like a baby who longs for his mother. You get to spend time with the person without his knowledge and without actually bothering him. And when memory becomes the only pass to a person you hold on to it tighter and tighter. Association is another concept that I marvel at, how a simple melody or a verse from a poem can give you a flashback and overwhelm you with the memories of person. Association can be formed with a city, a movie, a bus seat, one favourite book, the melody of a song and basically anything when shared with another soul. As I write this, it is past twelve and the sounds of heavy rain has muffled the silence of the cold night and a song plays "tum badal gaye, thoda sa badlein hum bhi yahan par..." and how it makes me sad and long for one and only one particular person out of thousands that I have known. So at night when hustle of the day comes to a cease and we resign to our beds and when we are left alone in silence with nothing but our thoughts and when our body can no longer fight back our deepest desires, that is when time travel happens.