When a weird person like me observes things very silently... I try to feel the stillness of time... Thereafter I hold a pen and a piece of paper, I try to pour my thoughts into it...... Pen and paper aren't ordinary yet ordinary! And the reason why said so is extraordinary! Because for me pen isn't just an instrument that is used to write, For me it's like a little friend; A friend who helps you put down your thoughts, A friend who holds your finger and walks through the emotions residing in every single word... A friend who never gets tired despite of your tremendous writings... But yes, if pen runs out of ink then that's another part of the story... Come on! It has became a "martyr" while writing..!! Again for me paper isn't merely a thin sheet material, Infact for me it's like an honest viewer,listener and a secret-keeper, For me it's like a strong support that takes up responsibilities; Responsibilities of holding thoughts no matter how heavy they are! For me it's like a giver that expects nothing in return; A giver who offers itself completely to you... Hence for me both pen and paper are like the invisible healers; As the one holds your fingers and enables you to pour your heart out... And the other accepts all your worries,happiness, excitements and frustrations into itself! You write...you erase, You write...you cut the entire line... But look at this pure soul! Still it offers you space and welcomes everything...... The pen and paper for me are much more than what lifeless objects are!.....
This is my sincere thanks to "THE PEN AND PAPER".......
~ Kaynat Sultana Qureshi

Unique one..and true indeed❤️❤️
What a thought and so true too. Pen and paper are the true writing buddies. We tell them better than to other fellow beings.