The petit rain drops,
Falling on the dry paper,
Took away the crunch,
The girl saw everything,
Sitting under the branch.
She grabbed the paper,
And put it inside a cover,
Took it to her home,
Carried it everywhere,
Wherever she roamed.
Suddenly one day,
Someone took it out,
Was about to throw it,
When she aggressively,
Asked the person to stop.
The person was shocked,
And asked why,
But she didn't reply,
Taking the page from the person,
She went by.
Years later when she was old and fragile,
Had no one to sit by her side,
Took out the page and started to write,
Without a pause she wrote till end,
As ink pours like rain.
She wrote her life,
Her pain and gain,
For the last time till her last
Both went together,
But why only in that paper,
No one could understand ever.
Long after the paper was flown,
It was found by a mysterious man,
Who researched in it,
And got something strange,
The simple looking paper was not plain.
It had many stories in it,
Life of many people,
Penned with emotions,
Which could be visible,
Only by using strange powers.
The paper absorbed the person,
Along with their stories in it,
As they would never die,
And remain in the paper,
Protected inside a cover.
But as soon as the paper was tore,
They all disappeared in their heavenly abode,
They were trapped because of something wrong,
They blessed the mysterious person for life long,
Soon the paper burnt into ashes such that it could not be restored.