Raise your hands if you like to stay in bermudas. I just adore them. A simple tee and a knee length bermuda, the best attire to wear when you are at home. Comfortable to wear in our hot climate. Easy to put on and move about in. Has pockets (which you will agree not many women's clothing can boast of) so you can carry things. Easy to wash and clean and dry, very low maintenance. Doesn't blow up like a skirt or kurti or won't expose you when you toss and turn in bed(blush). Does not bruise the inner thigh(sigh). Positives all the way.

However, my association with bermudas has always raised questions about my character amongst my neighbours. Will I make a good wife? Will I make a good daughter-in-law? Will I make a good mother? Do I have no shame, strutting about in my 'own' house in bermudas? What will my future in-laws think? Will she ever land a good husband? What will he say?
Well...., my husband doesn't really lose his sleep over what I wear(or not....wink). He is more concerned about my comfort and not about what the 'always poking her nose in our affairs' neighbouring aunty thinks. He really is okay with my torrid affair with bermudas and even helps me select them from the mens' section in the malls(they are more comfy to wear). Of course I do not wear bermudas to a wedding ceremony or when we are out visiting friends and family. So it should not really concern others what I wear in my 'own' house.
What my in-laws say one may ask. There is this one advantage I have. We stay in a separate city from them and so my in-laws really have no concerns about my affair with bermudas. And when we are visiting them, they are okay with me wearing them, as long as I keep it limited just for bedtime. That much I can do, after what my MIL once said to one of our over concerned relatives. They(the aforementioned over concerned relative) somehow found out my affair and went running to my MIL that tell your DIL to wear sarees now that she is married. My MIL answered back 'What she wears is not my concern. My only concern is how happy they stay together.' Yessss, I know! I am a lucky girl(touchwood).
In a society that considers wearing of jeans an offensive thing for women, bermudas fare much worse. In a society that judges a woman even when she wears a saree with a sleeveless blouse how can I assume to be not judged. However, we have come a long way from the times when women had to walk barefooted because wearing sandals was considered offensive and therefore there is hope that one day people would not look twice if women wear whatever they feel comfortable in. Till then I will have to keep my affair behind doors. Shhhh...!
Brilliant! This post is about so much more than just bermudas. ๐
A great one indeed!๐ฅ๐ฅ Didi,you're so lucky to have so understanding and supportive in-laws and a caring husband..I wish people could try to see the problems faced by the women in our country rather than just passing bad and unnecessary comments,judging on the kind of clothes one chooses to wear!
Absolutely fantastic Di....๐๐
Beautiful Gargiโค๏ธ Absolutely a wonderful post. I hate people who judge others by just looking at their clothes. You're lucky that your family is happy with whatever you're comfortable with wearing. Sounds exactly like my family tho๐ I remember my MIL telling me to wear jeans and nighties instead of boring salwar kameezes that I used to wear daily. She used to tell me that I am still young and that I shouldn't feel old just coz I got married. After all it's all in our consciousness what to wear and where to wearโ๐ป