‘Abhi na jao chod kar k dil abhi vara nahi………
Abhi abhi toh ayi ho, fiza ban k chayi ho……..’ putting earphones, a girl carrying umbrella in a white salwar was walking on a road. It had been raining very heavily and she was late from the office. She had to walk faster to reach her destination. Due to bad weather there was no public transport available to drop her. The shopkeepers were also shutting their shops in hurry. Unaware of the fact that she had come across the road listening to the song, a car driving in high speed from behind quickly put the brakes to avoid the accident. Suddenly she had put her hands around her head to protect herself.
A man came out of the car asked, “Have you got hurt?”
Putting her hands down she replied. “No no!”
The man said, “I am really sorry I was in hurry to go Valley lodge and also it was too rainy to stop somewhere.”
She said, “Why you are going Valley lodge?”
He replied with a sigh, “Oh! I have been coming from Delhi since morning and there is my important meeting tomorrow.”
As she was also in hurry she asked, “Can you drop me to the orphanage that comes in your way?”
As he was new in that place and didn’t know much he hesitated to help her but he felt sorry for her so he changed his mind, “Yeah! sure.” He replied.
He opened the door for her to let her seat in the car. He drove the car then.
Both of them were wet in the rain. They sat quiet in the car in some offwardness not trusting each other but still they continued for their situation and after few minutes when he saw the orphanage coming in front of his way he stop the car, as the girl leaving the car he asked suddenly, “May I know your name?” She replied in hurried, “Shaboni Jha.”
The next day, Shaboni came to the office and directly went to the conference room. As she opened the door she found the same man hosting the meeting. Her boss said loudly, “You are 2 minutes late, don’t you know that?”
She said, “Sorry Sir.” while she was moving to her seat, the man said, “She must be late always.”
The meeting was ended with a sweet applause. The manager thanked Mr. Kumar for starting a business with them and said that it would be a great start up in Madhya Pradesh. Everybody left the room, Shaboni was going to leave and then she heard a voice “Hey late comer, wait!” She replied with annoyance, “My name is Shaboni Jha, Mr. Kumar.” Listening to this the manager got angry and asked her to apologize but Mr. Kumar asked him to leave instead of her.
She said, “Sorry Sir.”
He asked, “Why are you annoyed?”
She replied, “I don’t know Sir.”
He asked very casually, “Can we be friends from now?" and said, "And what happened yesterday"s night don’t feel anything for that. It’s just normal to take help from someone and even your place was on my way that how I dropped you.”
She said slowly, “No Sir, I didn’t feel anything but I was too hurry yesterday and even today I was late in front of you, instead you don’t feel anything as how I reacted now.”
“Are you sure?” he replied then.
She said before turning back, “Yes!”
And while moving towards door she replied again, “Yes we can be friends too.”
“Then I can also buy you a cup of coffee in lunch.....” he said looking outside to the busy road from the glass and she too answered, “Yes!” closing the door.

with a new season of #love
Waiting for the next chapter.😊
Fresh words for a fresh month❤