It's been three years since Arnav-Naina's divorce. Chabbi, their only daughter, is still one big reason for them to meet with each other and spend time as one whole family.
Every Saturday and Sunday, Arnav would come to pick Chabbi and spend time with her. Once in a month, Arnav-Naina both together plan an outing with Chabbi.
For Arnav, he was spending time as scheduled, and for Naina, she was spending time during an outing for Chabbi's happiness. And for Chabbi, she is like a parcel, and her parents' playing 'passing the parcel game' with her.
Little did Chabbi knew that both her parents are fighting for her custody in court. Seeing her parents living separately, she feels pain. But she was not able to express it too.
One such day, she was called upon on court by the judge to know her wish and intention.
Judge - "Beta, who loves you more?" Chabbi - "Both" Judge - "With whom you love to live?" Chabbi again - "Both." Judge - "With whom you like to spend more time?" Chabbi - "Both" Judge - "If you have to choose one, who will you choose?" This time Chabbi replied with innocence, "Then why dont you cut me into half? I can be with both at the same time."
Both Naina-Arnav got shocked to hear this. The judge gave them some time to think over and come back tomorrow. Next day morning, all three reappeared in front of the judge, not for divorce but to remarry once again and live happily ever after.
it a real life fact in this 21st century...... going through it we get many more perspective.... well...... nice concept at the very beginning.... good keep it up
Good start. 👏👏👏