Where is home for you?
Which way leads to it?
A student in hostel finds his safe heaven
A victim of domestic abuse and denial
Tortured for years since he was seven
No longer trapped and fighting for survival
When holidays come by and its time to repack
He always finds an excuse to stay back.
Isn't that home for him?
A child abandoned, left behind at the gate
When brought in to this orphanage
Now shares his misfortune and fate
With them who also shares his room
Found his company and a group to engage
Together they will escape this doom
Isn't that home for him?
The vagabond who roams the streets
Discarded and leftovers is what he eats
On a rainy night, is his humble abode
Those few square feets beneath the bridge
With pieces of rugs carefully picked out of garbage
Severing as his cozy blanket, makes up for the shortage.
Isn't that home for him?
A soldier in distant lands fighting a war
Realized the world has gone a bit too far.
Faced and witnessed the utmost terror
Luckily escaped death as there was no error
Stepping his feet on this side of the border
A sigh of relief on leaving behind the disorder
Isn't that home for him?
The teenager who lost his parents
Lives alone and runs his own errands
Finds his only company in his friends
With them he rejoice, with them he blends
In their time together he doesn't feel alone
Misery leaves his side, melds in joyful tone.
Did he find his home in a person?
How do you define home?
Is it the empty space
Enclosed within four walls ?
Occupied with belongings and
Numerous priced possessions?
Tell me,
Where is home for you?
Which way leads to it?
This poem also might be home to someone. He or she might come here again and again to read it.
They say, home is where the heart is. I like to believe that.