Words are colorful, are painful. But what hits more than words is the reality of life. Chasing your dreams, you initially started going to school, and one day when you look back, you are at your convocation. Maturity hits hard, and you now understand why. Things you used to discuss with your friends during the last days of your graduation year turned grey. Well, not for all. Destiny again hits hard then maturity. Well, you probably know that because now you are reading my words, and you know you are on the same path. Plans you have made with your friends stay as memories because you have hit maturity, and destiny hits you too. Someone out there is deciding their research topic, and the other is looking for a better job. Someone out there is looking out for the real passion, and the other is taking a break. Everything seems so simple in words yet so hard in reality. What turns tough is to decide whether your maturity or your destiny rules your life. Nothing is simple. Deciding on a research topic takes your brain and energy and even doing a job. But, by the end of this passage, all I want you to remember is- When you meet life and reality, make sure you stay happy and get your inner peace at ease.
#life #reality #quotes #reading

Beautiful. 💙