When I fail to make sense of my thoughts, I wonder if it is my own mind possessing such thoughts which are so uncharacteristic of me. It is as if somebody has hacked my mind and taken control of it. I feel what I don't want. I think what I don't want. But I just can't help. And I can't make sense.
It's a juggle of thoughts in my mind making me feel a thousand things. I am no more myself. I want to let go but I keep holding on. I want to forgive but I stay angry. All the calmness and my sanity removed from within me.
I can't even reason my thoughts and emotions. And I'm afraid not even scans, CT or PET, can give any answers. I am sick but you can't see, I can't figure and no one can cure.
What is wrong with me?

This is so true! I think everyone of us feel this way at times....
This is beautiful....I felt so relatable...
Love this. You have good penmanship. And you are not alone. We all feel alieniated sometimes. Its our loved ones who make us feel ourselves again. 🙂