With a purpose to resonate a euphoric tune,
the slingy chime was held head high.
Bars of metals clumsily clanged;
Rippling off a haunting
and a halcyon spirit it dignify.
It stayed aloof for ages,
uncompromisingly still.
Winds try to rob its silence,
a melody happens and I feel.
It remains unnoticed,
devoid of attentions,
and dutifully hangs to happiness.
Deprived of the visages it dissolves them;
I see all the moments of it welcoming
The faces of hugs
To the seasons of misfortune,
It welcomed them all.
The aurora it disposes,
never goes to no vain.
Promising a smile
And suppressing few pain.
Chiming all the way
It marks something behind the tune;
Hovering feats above,
It tells a tale,
Tales that are never heard
But tales that are worth listening.
Frames fairy tales that are a lost in the capsules of time;
I drew a tingle to remember,
the misprized worth of a chime.