There is a very thin line between the true meaning of thinking and imagining. In the writing world, both thinking and imagining are intertwined, interconnected and interrelated. Deep thinking makes way for imagination.
In simple words, imagination is something that you give birth to. Something which you, yourself bring into existence. A thought or a concept... Just anything that never existed in your world before. In creative aspect, imagination switches on the beacon for thinking to follow the trail.
Thinking, meanwhile, is a tool to perfect the product that your imagination has created. Pondering deep in the areas known to you and preparing the results for the imaginative creation is the job criteria of thinking.
Also, the natural flair to write comes from not much of imagination, but just a bit of thinking. You certainly tend to start it in a simple way. You want to tell something. You already have an idea about it. You write. This is the simple form of expressing your views. Thinking. However, to make your point more presentable, you have to cogitate to your level best.
For creative purposes, using ingenious imaginative narration helps grab many eyeballs. Not to mention the appreciation that follows. Meanwhile, somewhere in bits and pieces, you end up accommodating some thoughts that just hasn’t been brushed up with exerted sophistication.
In most cases, you first imagine a plot and then start thinking on shaping up the story. Then, words pop up in your head immediately as a reaction to the development of the content. You don’t imagine much after that. You just think. You write what comes to your mind at that exact moment or situation. It’s the flow of thoughts. Here, I want to mention something very important. Your mind is naturally well equipped to think about just anything. If something unknown is triggered by the imagination, then the mind is very fast to catch up with the related subject and hence, by the time, imagination serves you with a new thought, you already are delving deep in researching about it.
In other cases, you just bring out an outline from your deeply buried thoughts and start weaving it using both imagination and thinking.
In some special cases though, out of nowhere suddenly an idea would crop up. It’s nothing like the product of imagination or thinking. It’s just an idea that you neither looked for in your imagination, nor was stored in the back of the head and was brought out by your hard thinking. Ideas are from a different league altogether. Or so I believe.

So the other day, I was writing an article on “The world without internet”.
How did I get this point to write about? It was pure imagination. I wanted to write something different and so deeply engaged my thinking bulbs in the fields that I had never explored before.
If I had written anything related to any one of my favourite subjects which happen to be writing, reading or animals, then it would have been a result of my thinking because 24/7 only these three things wander around in my head.
On a humorous note, I would like to conclude that whether it is a stored up lake-water-thoughts in your mind or a fresh splash of rainwater-imagination... you are your own boss. Write for yourself. Your contentment. Most importantly, cherish and enjoy each and every word of your creative material.
Happy Writing 😀
Something I have pondered over at times, how to think creatively and come up with new ideas. You have expressed it beautifully✨
Wow. So much to learn from this writeup.