After committing sins and crimes that made digesting food difficult for him; after making countless mistakes he could never fix; after hurting the people he was supposed to love and protect; he walked away to the mountains to become a saint.
He called himself the saint of hopeless people.
A hopeless messenger of god who sells hope.
He walked across a million trees he couldn’t name and he met a million people whose names he couldn’t know.
But, after lossing everything; he learned to give.
He would not pluck flowers but sit and look at them for hours.
Many called him a madman and many a lazy beggar.
But, he knew he was a saint of hopeless people.
He would feed stray dogs and randomly beat up men who employed children.
He would talk of love and hope to his fellow beggars and madmen with as much passion as a prophet’s prophecy.
He would sit below a Palash tree and smile at each passing stranger.
If someone asked him where he came from; he would say he was just born a while ago.
If someone asked who he was; he would say he was the reminiscents of many unfulfilled hopes.
If someone asked what he did; he would say he just wanted to do good things now.
Make people laugh and be kind.
For whom? for what? who knows!
He knew he cannot get back whatever he had lost and he cannot take back the pain he had inflicted on others.
He had accepted the truth that no amount of repentance or praying would change anything.
So, he changed himself.
He didn’t change everything though; he still loves making fart jokes.
He knows he is no longer who he was; his past can’t define him.
Not a criminal he is now but a saint of the hopeless people.
A hopeless messenger of god who sells hope.
Do let him know, if you ever do happen to meet him in your life; that there are 14 cases of murder pending against him in the Calcutta court including his mistress and wife.

That twist in the end..!❤️
Is this based on a true story.?