The Rape Culture

The rape culture,
Where has this come from?
Who originated it?
What is the root cause behind this act?
What made humans so inhumane?
The world needs to know.
Where has this mentality sprung from?
Why can't we be empathetic
Towards our kind?
Is 'loving' so difficult?
Why is 'hatred' so easy?
Why can't we stop this?
Why are we letting it happen
Every single day?
Who is to be blamed for -
The rapist?
Or 'us' - to whom,
Words sounds louder than actions?
It is very necessary for every girl
To raise her voice and cry out for help,
If you are touched, abused,
Molested or raped.
But how will she save herself
From a ward boy who raped her,
On a hospital bed in the ICU,
When she was under ventilation?
Where has so much of brutality, bitterness and hatred come from in humans?
Death is an inevitable reality,
For every living being in this universe.
So, 'death' cannot be
The ultimate punishment for the accused.
The accused does not deserve to die.
The accused deserves to live.
Live his life on this earth.
And reflect upon his misdeeds,
Not through confining him behind the bars,
Or sentencing him to life imprisonement.
But, if possible, castrate the rapists,
And set them free...
If hanging the rapists is the law,
Castration can also be a law.
Let them feel, experience and understand
What torture feels like...
Let's all not just speak but also act in unity,
Because it's a call for humanity.
* It's only we who can change the world.
Let's bring that change.
Great! Your views are a symbol that our society is reforming.
Beautifully penned 👍 .
Totally agreed .... 👏👏
Truly appreciate your view.....
Truly appreciate your view.....
Ekdum sahi. Death is too easy an escape for any criminal. Good composition. Hard hitting.
It has been my view, too. I agree with you.