They are termed as Lord,
But they never use sword,
They have small injections,
Which can remove pain from all disjunction,
They are also soldiers,
But no one paid attention,
Unless the dooms day came,
When people understood their fame,
We abuse and mistreat them,
But they never lose their calm,
It is their passion,
The world is in their palm,
They inspire us,
And many like to be like them,
But all don't have that fortune,
They are not just our pride,
They are the superheroes of all time,
They sacrifice their life for other's peace,
When we take birth,
They come in our life,
They are with us,
Till we die,
They do a lot for us,
Still we complain,
We distrust and then restrain,
It is time to change our thoughts,
We need to love them more,
We need to pay them the due respect,
Which we had never given.
