They call me the mother,
As I birthed every living species in there,
They call me their home,
As I house them in my womb,
They call me theirs,
And start dumping their wares,
They say they love me,
And yet inflict so much pain to me,
They say I am angry,
When face the outcome of their ignorant activity,
They say I am dying,
But don’t try to revive me,
Instead, they look for a new place to call as home,
Abandoning me and setting me on pyre,
They say I am not healing,
While I cry and tell them to stop experimenting,
And relieve me from further sufferings.
It’s a painful truth that my children,
In the name of development,
Have lost all the humanity,
Thinking that the word,
Solely belong to helping their clan,
Overcome by superior thought,
Unperturbed by any guilt,
Killing billions of speechless lives,
Destroying all the lands,
Ruining my environs by deforesting,
These insatiable sapiens cry for crises.
My wound can be healed by itself,
But it’s their created catastrophe,
That’s going to ruin their lives,
And their innocent offsprings’,
Who are yet to see the world.
Given many wakeup calls,
And sent many indirect message,
They are left with no other choice,
Than to oblige the nature,
Still if their ego cries for some more hazardous trials,
Then it’s their chosen fate,
That I know would leave them in regret.
#NaPoWriMo #Earthday #Earth #poetry #poem