A sea of people in a ‘black planet’,
Unknown to the white bear.
Polar land so extravagant ,
Lonely still has no tear.
Unwanted tides come so often,
Destroying its treasure home.
Our hearts do never soften,
Neither hear his silent tone.
Handful hands seldom come,
Bit of help does reach this land.
Not so easy for a outcome,
Their spirit is what that’s important.
For when rest are busy ,
With artificial & local pleasures,
They are the one who find it easy,
To appreciate these natural treasures.
Not to mention the selfish lovers,
Sparkling it is when they come.
Fulfilling needs from ice covers,
Went away leaving the bear prone.
Only false promises and lie hovers.
For him these are those crimes,
Which again leave him in ‘solitary times’.
Theme: Season
Global warming is causing seasons to change in polar areas more rapidly than equatorial regions. Polar animals will soon go extinct due to lack of habitat.

Courtesy: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42322346
❣️❣️ Humans are the Culprit or destroying everything..!