I don't feel beautiful,
No, most of the times
I Don't.
Coz I have always
Seen people pointing
Out what I don't have!
What my flaws are!
Where do I lack!
And all of which are out
Of my control.
I don't feel pretty,
Coz the people who
Love me, praise me,
For the things, in which
I have no contribution.
My smile, my skin,
My face, my body,
All the things that
I receive appreciation for
Has literally nothing
Which I can control.
I do feel petty,
And I do feel hurt
For being someone
That I am absolutely not.
The ogling eyes,
Those offending comments,
That nonconsensual touch,
That societal pressure
To hide the scars,
that feeling of ugliness,
I wish I could control,
Reply, suppress or hide.
I just really crave some
PEACE to survive.
#napowrimo #peace #theme #beauty #survive #seekingpeace #napowrimo2022

Great write-up 👍. Never say that you have no contribution in your smile, skin , body because if it was then you would have lost them