The face of people, young and old, haunt me. I like to think they are perhaps happy. On a foggy night, I walk. With miseries of my life known to none. A quick reflection, how did I get here? Struggles of a world, pain universal. A night in January, with only but the noise of the fog, that I hear. Reflections of my own self keep me company. It has been winter for too long now, bring me some snow or the sun. Somewhere in between I lay, amidst the sea and land, like a bridge made of crystals. Do I make sense? Maybe not. For a mind that feeds on beauty, I'll remain a sorrowful mystery.
Sometimes I miss the world. Sometimes just people and at times myself. What's funny is, I might get away with a deadly accident on the road or might die watching the sunset. The unstable nature of my thoughts, reflects in nature itself. Are we all emotionally vulnerable? At times I talk to myself about how foolish I sound. For a hope is so strong, we outlive each day, for a desire so strong, we struggle through pain. Into the unknown I have gone.
It is only during the night that I understand what pains me. I talk to myself during the owl hours, of thoughts that keep me up. The root is somewhere now forgotten, for it has been too long. I shall survive in blurry pictures, to remind you of a time when I was lost but happy. Shall you not remember me but my words, like dead roses under the sunny sky. Unusual in this world, I want to go where the sun meets the ocean. Neha meaning rain, when I am there I'll make noise, when I am not; there will be a suicidal silence. Embrace or disgrace I shall not keep desires.
Neha Bharali 🌻
(Remember me as a bird, flying towards the setting sun)
One of the best write-ups I have read on this site . You really are a writer who knows very well how to express complex thoughts and emotions . Would love to see more such write-ups from you , the kind which personally are my favourites .
Keep writing , you are a writer of different level 🙏 🙌
Neha is a legacy.
Your feelings are as pure and beautiful as you are...loved it Neha!
Keep pouring your feelings...❤
Neha is beautiful.