The very first day in the city
Struggling through the thick traffic
Complicated bus routes, too many numbers
The rush hour, the stringent timetable
Everything was overwhelming
Noise, dust and petty hearts
It was throwing yourself into doubt
Is this where I want to be?
End of the month
You have figured things out
A shortcut here, a cool shop there
Made a few friends here and there
It feels safe to know
Someone is a call away
To advise you in case
Things go ashtray.
A year passes by
Route, lanes known to you now
The best biriyani in town
Or the roadside tea below the flyover
School and bank aren't the only places
Where you frequent these days
The secret ghat, few steps down
There your heart twists and sways!
9 years later
Life wasn't this busy ever
The city was demanding yet rewarding
You adapted to newer lifestyle
Bustling exam center in a suburb
The joy & satisfaction of your first job
When you are finally able to spend
In places you have 'wish-listed'
One fine day down the line
A crowd was waiting for you
To listen to your story
As if you are one of their own
That's when you remember
The first day in the city
The dots have somehow conspired and connected
That's exactly where you were destined to be.
© Snehal Deb
#Day14 Places

Felt the last para 🤍
Beautiful 💙