Little Things// These days we argue a lot. Not on anything specific, But on little things that are mundane enough. Do you remember those times, When we used to converse a lot? Not on anything specific, But on little things that were interesting enough. We used to long for each other, Planned to do activities together. Nothing herculean to be honest, Just little things that were promised. But some how over the decades, Our love has turned cold. A veneer of sarcastic formality, Hides our capricious reality. May be we can rekindle our lost love. And it won't be a hard endeavour. We just need to unveil our true selves, Like the way we did When we were younger. We don't have to start anew. We don't have to act tough.
All we need is to find those lost little things,
That were once interesting enough.
(c) Anurag Talukdar