"Haven't you grown a shade corpulent?"
"Oh you need to slenderize a smidgen"
"Why do you wear your hair in tousled curls?"
"You were a hue lighter when you were young"
"Haven't you done anything about your scarred visage yet?"
Mortified with ignominy, I hurtle to face the mirror.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, am I the vilest of them all?"
"You, I ween, are the daintiest of them all
Those curls are the combers of a moana and the speckles on your countenance are like gazillion stars coruscating all at once."
"Then why am I cleped grotesque?"
"The folk is blinded by the canopy of spurious beauty, but I dare you to endear you for you.
It's a challenge, to love your unvarnished self"
Image source: Google
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