It's complicated
Our lives.
Our actions
Trigger way more
Than we imagine
The yeses and the noes!
The ifs and buts!
The times we shied away
From our calling
From our responsibilities
From what we were 'ought to do'
Led us here
At this intersection!
Where it's a challenge
To live
To earn
To survive
To excel
At Excel!
It's a challenge
To express
What we think
What we want to say
What we feel
What we actually want
It's a challenge
To be
To not give up
To keep learning
To be curious
To be meaningful
It's a challenge
To create everyday
Yet here we are
At #NaPoWriMo
Trying our best
To not give up!
-Snehal Deb 05.04.21

Beautifully worded👍🏻