' I write' - the sole thing that I live for !
I write because I know I need to.
I write because I am meant to do so.
I write because I have found myself.
I channelise my woes and my bliss
Through writing and,
This is the reason, why I write.
I speak my stories, express emotions and
Stand for myself through writing.
I write because I can feel
The screams of a silent heart,
The numbness of people's lips or the
Pent-up feelings of their self.
I want to be the voice; a voice for them.
I too weeped and screamed in silence
For a long time, but no more...
I write because writing is my passion.
I write because the ink is my weapon.
I write because my pen promises me
To bleed on and on...
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.
Day 1, Theme - I Write.