I knew him as a neighbour,
I knew him as I grew,
His was a place I liked to go,
But alas if only the future I knew.
It is the easiest thread to tear,
The easiest bond to break.
Judas did it to Jesus,
And so did Brutus to Caesar,
Ephialtes did it to Greece,
And also Jafar to Siraj,
I was also not left alone,
He did it to me.
He took advantage of my naivety,
He said all was alright.
He said this is what we do for love,
And that in him I should still trust.
I had read monsters in my fairytales.
With huge horns and claws,
Huge red eyes and big paws.
Breathing fire and kidnaping princesses.
Nowhere did I read,
That monsters walked amongst us everyday.
They looked like us, talked like us,
And murdered the innocence in our hearts.
But the Divine Intervened
When he remained a neighbour no more,
But although he walked out of my life forever,
His touch lives with me like a painful sore.

Are you good? No, you're brilliant.
So beautiful