That's 25th of the month, it seems like the nature wants them to meet. He came to the park and sat on the sledge. Season of spring made the trees to fall everything; the waters in the pond were also in a hurry to fall out; the wind was also blowing in the high velocity; the fragrance that all the flowers have blown out to make the surrounding mesmerized with the sweet aroma of love. There she came in a black frock with a simple pigtail watching the waters of the pond constantly as like she had missed the place so much. She was with her friend. He saw her thick black eyes with a bindi on her forehead and her lips which looks like sepals of rose. He felt in love with her at first sight and could not stop himself looking at her.
When she noticed him, she started to wonder about him and then suddenly she went and sat beside him. He had not even tickled his eyes for once till the girl hold his hand. He was surprised but also having all the googling of emotion in his heart and butterflies flying in his stomach. The scene was captured with such an authentic flavor of romance where both were lost looking at each other till the sun was set.
