When I had to choose between me and you
I always chose you, even if I wanted to choose me.
Coz you are all I had
Coz nothing mattered more than u,
Not even me.
The love you showered,
How could I think you were overpowered.
The future I sought, was full of colours
Colours of happiness,
Colours of excitement,
Colours of happily ever after.
Instead, they were colours of
Red blood, blue and Black bruises.
Those hard slaps, and punches
Just to get rid of your frustration and hunches.
The forced intimacy, you called love
Left me all sore and unable to budge.
The person I loved is somewhere stuck,
As he couldn't see me in tears.
Cries and sobs why can't he hear,
My faith in you long started to disappear.
You almost broke my legs,
Just because I went out to buy band-aid.

For a month, I was chained and locked,
even the neighbours were shocked.
You said you are a doctor,
But why I always see you as a monster?
The ways of your protection,
For me, lead me to overestimation.
I know it's not right,
husband and wife are to always walk side by side.
Those incredible vows,
'for better and worse'
'In good times and bad'
'In sickness and in health'
I remember that's how we committed ourselves.
But NO, not anymore
Just like always, you are out of control
Stakes are too high,
I can't let my child take the stride.
I paid way too much for your pride,
But now it's not just my life.
So I choose myself and not you,
Even if I want to,
I always knew you love me too.
So I stayed took the bait,
But the devil in you will never change
Every night you break,
All the promises you made.
It's my turn now,
I won't be your spouse.
Maybe they'll call me a runaway bride,
But It's better to have a new hurt free life.
Doesn't matter if I have to hide, run or fight,
I will change my future into white, bright and light.
-miraculously miracle✨

Domestic violence has always been the pressing issue but the intensity has increased by many folds in this pandemic.

Fantastic...as always dii...👍👍👍👍
Good job bro.. again a masterpiece 😍😍😍😍👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥
Amazing writeup💓
No longer afraid no longer ashamed!
That's the way to react. Just leave that man. Indian women over the years have been empowering men and boosting domestic violence by remaining silent about it.