She looked at the calendar it was the 10th day of August. Months had gone by without friends, without school. She remembered of all her conversations with her friends about an emerging disease in China and of how contagious it is but never did she imagine then that the same disease would get all of them caged up in their homes for months and who knows may be years.

She wondered of how much she disliked going to school, waited for a proxy class, loved holidays but now as she sat by her study table, scrolling through old pictures of her finest mates in school, she desired to go back. She wished for all the ‘hustle-bustle’ to return, wished for things to get ‘normal’. She felt low.
As she scrolled more through the pictures, she found one of Dalgona coffee, it reminded her of all the trials she made on creating the numerous dishes, some failed, some triumphed. She actually made a chef out of herself. She giggled.
Now, the UNO cards on her desk caught her attention. They were so not in use until the lockdown. She mastered the game but dad was better, she realized or more promptly accepted after the many gaming sessions they had. She knew dad was good in cards but never witnessed him play. The victorious cries he gave at the end of every play were joyous! “Family time…they should have more of it,” she thought.
Fluffy her adopted brother was sleeping near her, he looked relaxed. He was a happier dog now, he no longer had to alone for hours. She smiled at the thought of it. Maybe it wasn’t that bad to be at home. Maybe it shouldn’t be called ‘caged’, maybe it just is ‘quality time at home’. It’s all on you actually. It depends on ‘How you see it?’
Just then a gush of breeze came in through her window. It smelt earthly; some birds chirped. They sound prettier now, with the silence around. Fluffy ran off to chase a butterfly. She again contemplated all of it. She felt better.
True. Even the credit of WissenMonk community's growth goes to the lockdown as it allowed so many of us the time to write.