I am not a person who writes about "Happiness" or speaks of it, previously known as that "sad_lilsoul", irony!
How would one define happiness, I guess it is something each one of us feels at some point of time; often based on external things that is either when you are praised or loved, but is that happiness permanent?
Happiness that we feel from external sources are never permanent, even when you are being loved it is not permanent because eventually our bodies will decompose and we all will die at the end, but if one can be happy even in one's death bed is when one is truly happy.
How would one ever achieve such happiness? The is answer is quite simple; from within. I am not a being to suggest you ways to be happy because I am myself on the journey of it; just like the way you are. Whatever we do in this life, aren't we all striving to be happy? You want a job, recognition, money and every other thing because you believe that those will make you happy. In reality all that we need is food, air, water and rest; well you got to work to get some of it because of the way how life's complexity has increased, but ultimately the goal of every being here is just be happy and stay like that.
It's not a new discovery by any being on earth that happiness is something that you feel and the mind loves this feeling of being happy and pure happiness is from something from within is not a new concept either.
Nowadays, we are more driven by emotions and our minds are out of our control, which is a huge disadvantage because the mind is our greatest tool and most of us has lost the control over it! If we actually had perfect control over it then being happy is just one thought away! Think of it logically, what upsets you? what excites you? what saddens you? The answer is quite shocking: Nothing!
Nothing from the exterior world can make you feel anything unless you think of it. The world is in chaos and you are a part of this world, if you think of the chaos: you will become chaos, but if you accept the situations and just decide to be happy then you can provide the remedy for the chaos to the beings around you. As Einstein said: "You can solve a problem with the same mindset that created the problem in the first place" , and his quote is the perfect fit for our condition.
Being happy, as said is just one thought away and we have mistaken ourselves that our emotions are beyond our control and it is time for us all to solve this and understand that what we feel is the result of our own thoughts, not of something or someone else's.
So, the secret to happiness is perhaps: Just be happy, and let that happiness spread to every part of your life and to others. Do not misunderstand, I am not asking anyone to pretend to be happy because actually you cannot pretend happiness, you have to be happy and once you truly understand that happiness is just a thought away and it's permanence lies within, you shall be truly happy. It's time to stop squeezing happiness from the people who loves you and whom you love, it's time to be happy and direct that happiness to the ones you love and to the world because frankly the world needs to be Happier.
Stay Happy, Stay Blissful and Stay Fine, people.
Here's something that I wrote after some realizations and I hope it helps someone who might need it: Some time ago,
I thought being a nobody is sin.
A while ago,
I thought being somebody is a blessing.
Not so long ago,
I realized that unknowingly I am just a toxic person.
I understand being nobody has its own value.
I realize life is much more than what I saw.
I decide to be a human with no motives.
Be peaceful and love the world the way it is.
Grudges has no meanings,
Hatred and sadness are just choices of the morally poor.
Happiness is a blessing, compassion is the way and
Blissfulness the motto of life itself and
Time like a stream, keeps on flowing
Unfolding the mysteries of the universe.
We choose our emotions..happiness is a choice most of the times nd we decide not to take it..!❤️👍 Great words.