Standing in the balustrade I saw no one but him, it was heavily raining one could barely see others.
Oh! I forgot to introduce you to him he is Raghav kaka, the gatekeeper of our neighbour. In the cold breezing wind and a heavy rain above the head he is trying to find a spot to hide himself. It’s strange he has been working since last 7years still they don’t care a bit about him. The first time I met him I was in 2nd standard, in spite of being a gatekeeper he did all the best possible things a servant could do for his master, but he was never respected for his work, they definitely paid him the amount for his work but as one said all you need is happiness and respect for the done work, which he never received. He is 65 years old now, the last time he went home was 4years ago, if I’m not wrong he have a son but he left him because he had to travel different countries for his work. How could a child leave their parents even after knowing what sacrifices a parent did only to make their child a good person, felt bad? But that’s reality.
Raghav kaka is a very friendly person. When I was in 5th standard one evening while riding bicycle in the garden my bicycle tire got punctured, that day was Bharat Bandh and we didn’t have any bicycle shop near our home I was a bit scared of my mother’s scolding but at the end moment Raghav kaka showed up and helped me fix my tire, I thanked him for his help and even gave him a packet of choco chips. Ah! Well that’s just an old memory It's been more than a year I met him in person due to my busy schedule.
He is completely wet. I can feel the wind piercing my skin to reach the veins, it’s really cold outside still nobody is out to lend him an umbrella, I can’t take this anymore. I took out an umbrella with a newly folded towel from the guest room, placed some pakoras in a small box of steel and went directly to him. He saw me, I can feel him, the pain, behind the big smile on his face. He asked me, “Do you need any help beta?” (I don’t know how to react he is such a sweetheart caring about others when he himself need help). “Oh kaka! I don’t need any help I was watching you since the last 15min, you are completely wet thought you need an umbrella so I bought you a towel and this umbrella please warm yourself.” I replied.
“It was not required, why did you took the trouble to visit me in this heavy rain,” he said. I still can’t believe how can somebody not like a person like him, “now go home otherwise you will get cold.”
“Oh! I forgot to give you this pakoras please enjoy, have a good day and take care bye.” I said and turned back. “Wait” he shouted, “take this and thank you, bye.”
He smiled and turned away. It was a gold coin the Neela Vermeire Mohur, it’s around 16,500 INR, I can’t believe he just gave me this antique coin. But why? He could have sold it and live his life all by himself.
“May be having some people around is much peaceful than living alone” Raghav kaka murmured.
He left.

Thank you kaka.