First of all let me tell you the definition of a Girl. I have read somewhere and I too earnestly feel the same that a Girl is a beautiful creation of a god by which you can feel her INNOCENCE in the form of a DAUGHTER, CARE in the form of a SISTER, a PASSION in the form of a BELOVED, WARMTH in the form of a FRIEND, DEDICATION in the form of a WIFE and lastly the DIVINITY in the form of a MOTHER. She is the procreator and the mother of tomorrow. Such is the tragic irony of fate, that the one who shapes the destiny of a nation and the one who is god’s beautiful creation is today one of the gravest concern in our country. Isn’t it enough to let the people know about the grace or importance of a girl child? The people in India have very much belief in the Goddess Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi etc. They ensure everything to the goddess indulging their health, wealth and seeks blessing from her. But when it comes to the girl child, they make sure she doesn’t come out of mother’s womb. They are sniffed in the womb. Without watching this beautiful world she is murdered. Doesn’t make any sense, right? Women should be empowered as an asset to the country. One should be indulged in the making of a girl with a positive thinking which will lead to a betterness or upliftment of our country. Female feticide and infanticide are not just only issues pertaining with girl child. She is discriminated and unbridled at every stage of life for standard living, education, basic nutrition etc. She doesn’t enjoy social or economic independence. These conditions further aggravate the overall condition of females in the country. With dwindling population of a girl child, the society will suffer the most out of it, which will result in indulging of people in sinful activities. It is true that foetal sex determination is a criminal offence in our country, but the practice is widespread. These are carried out in private clinics with the help of ultrasound machines and latest technologies. And moreover, People are ready to pay mammoth money for this and they don’t even hesitate to abort a girl child. These types of activities clearly outline the existence of a girl child. As a proud citizen of India, the need of hour is to realize our responsibilities and give the end to this unbearable or evil crime. The stringent law must be framed to deal with the sinners. The law should be created in which the medical fraternity who practice sex determination is severely punished. Implementation of the law on sex determination is needed rigorously. Government should run NGOs which educate the masses and spreads awareness across the country. As we know that focus with determination is very important, we need to work on these parameters earnestly. And I assure you that if we opt to deliver, no one can stop us. Self awareness is also one of the most important factor. We should get together and withstand the action of wicked people who carry out or promote sex determination. These malafide people should realize that they are nothing without a female to pair with.
So, take a stand, spread the same message and shout out loud “ Let the girls be born “

An important message!🙌