Chapter Three:- The Calm Before
The Storm....
"Lily..Lily.. Where have you been lost?
I am calling for the sixth time. Can't you hear me? Are you deaf or pretending to be?", said her mother shaking her shoulders. All of a sudden, wind gusts blew that made her hairs wave in the air, with the same frequency and she was back to normal. " Yes..yes..Mom, you were saying something", said Lily in a melancholy tone. "It's quarter past five. Your dad and Peter are having tea, come and join them. But before that, just look yourself into the mirror. Don't act like the main character of a horror movie, it's enough and I am fed up with your love for horror movies and novels! Don't know why did your father started making you read and watch such kinds of stuff from the age of 10 years! What kind of appearance is this, go and change?", said her mother and went inside the home.
Lost in her train of thoughts Lily went to her room and bathed. She applied antiseptic cream where she had scratched and noticed that despite cleaning up her nails properly, the mud hasn't been cleaned from the ring finger of her left hand. Again she made several attempts but failed and thus gave up on it. Recalling her dream she prayed to the Almighty God that whoever it is please send your help and show your mercy, my Lord! You're the ultimate King of this Universe and there is nothing like impossible for you! All praise is only for you.. Please shower your mercy upon me and everyone else! Such a pure and kind soul! Isn't she?
The weather was extremly peaceful today and the villa had a stillness. Mr.D'Souza caressed her hair saying " May God bless you, my child!" as he saw her. Those blessings and touch of affection made her face lit up bright from a gloomy one and her eyes were filled with calmness rather than searching for the hidden reasons and answers to what all had been happening with her in the past few days. Undoubtedly, Dad's love is infinite!! Mr.D'Souza stood up and walked towards his room, and stopped when he listened to Peter saying, "This is a clear partiality. The love is only for the daughter, what about the poor son? Who cares? Nobody. Who loves? Nobody? Don't worry Peter, come on..I will love you. You know what Peter? Self-love is the best love. If the world doesn't appreciate you, you appreciate yourself..Come on you're worth it, dude..No worries. I love you, Peter". I must say he acted well! Mr.D'Souza laughed, caressed his cheeks, and said,
"Agr betiyan qurbani di murat ee, ta bete vi sangharsh di murat ne...mai enaa dona di tulna kive kar sakda haa...jado mere ghar nu te mere dil nu ena dona di zarurat hai...mai tuhadde doaa nal pyar krna ha.....mai sirf enna mandahaa ke sannu kudiyan ate jananiya nu izzat te pyar nal aadar krna chahida...tu mera balwaan puttt hai.....Peter mere bhraa, mere gale lag jaaa!!"
("If the daughters are the epitome of sacrifice then the sons are the epitome of struggle! How can I even compare both the two when both the home yard and my heart needs both of them! I love both of you. It's just that we must learn and practice treating girls and women with the utmost care, respect, and love. You're my strong boy, Peter. Come on, hug me, dude!!")
Such an emotional moment, isn't it? Seeing this Lily accompanied them! Mrs. D'Souza was looking at this adorable moment secretly and her eyes were filled with tears of joy! In the past 21 years, it was for the first time when she saw him laughing, smiling, celebrating, and that too for real not for the sake of pretending! When Mr.D'Souza saw Mrs.D'Souza, the smile on his face faded away turning him emotionless, and Mrs.D'Souza showed as if she didn't even know what has happened a minute ago! But deep inside both of them knew what it was all about; ego and self-centeredness or the heartbreak due to several reasons! If you would ask me I would say it's the latter one. Peter was surprised as to how his father knew Punjabi? Lily told him that he had learned Punjabi during his college days.
"Well, I have something to discuss with you, sista?" asked Peter. "Go ahead my little mouse", replied Lily. "It's 30th Oct 2016, and out of all the novels that I have read just describes the female and male protagonists to be perfect in looks. I mean how can they show like that!", said Peter. "You're correct. Even I too feel this. They would be describing a girl or women in a novel with the most beautiful features(only external ones) that one can have; eyes as deep as an ocean, complexion as white as snow, lips like the petals of red roses, erect nose, blushing cheeks, slim waist and what not my Lord!! They try to show them as an Apsara/Hoor from heaven! Likewise, boys or men, always describe fine features, thick eyelashes, big biceps, six-packs dressed in elegant clothes stepping out of his car with a savage attitude, being rough and tough, and girls around him easily go crazy for him!! I mean seriously!!!!! What is the need of exaggerating things that too for looks?
You know what racism started from here itself. Why do we only consider the external features of a person to tag them as beautiful or ugly? Why? A girl with a dusky complexion would think fair complexion and all those mentioned things define the beauty of a girl! And having good facial features six-packs, big biceps, a lot of attitudes, and being insensitive would make them a hero or gentleman is what boys and men think nowadays! But in my opinion, both types of mentality are wrong.
Peter, I would find a girl much more attractive if she is working for her dreams, having a pure soul, a good character, and respecting everyone for who they are and where they are. Being humble, a bit shy yet bubbly, and having mercy in her heart is more than enough to make her look gorgeous! Whereas, a boy or man having a sensible mind, treating others well, being loyal, expressing his emotions would surely make them more than handsome! A gentleman is a man of his words, manners, and character. Already, boys, struggle to fit in the shoes of their fathers and shoulder up responsibilities, and this is the charm they wear!
Peter, if I were to write a novel, I would definitely describe the female and male protagonists in this way rather than the blind definition of beauty that our society had used since history and still uses!", replied Lily.
Peter was astonished at what she said. His mouth was wide open and he couldn't believe that it's her sister who said all these things! " Sista, I didn't know that apart from SRK, some other thoughts enter your brain. Bravo, my girl! I am impressed", said Peter trying to move a housefly that was sitting on the edge of the bowl. "Ssshh..don't disturb, it's having tea, can't you see?", said Lily. " That's unbelievable, who does like that? You're totally crazy! You don't even kill a mosquito that comes your way, what kind of behaviour is this?", Peter replied.
"No, I would not kill it until and unless it begins to suck my blood! I believe in not harming and hurting anyone, even the inert objects but yet not being foolish enough to not defend myself when it comes to danger.", Lily replied having tea. " You're so weird", said Peter's belly- laughing and left the hall.
Everything was calm and quiet. Now it was quarter past ten and Lily was done with the dishes. Arranging all the utensils properly she began to leave the kitchen but noticed that the water tape was left open. Thus, she closed it and turned to move, water started to splash. She again closed it and turned away. Again, the water started to splash on its own. This time she was frightened and with twitching fingers and fluttering eyelids, she closed it and slowly turned away. "Please help me...Please help...Why aren't you listening? I need your help!", a feeble whisper was heard from the sink. I must tell you, Lily was absolutely shocked and ran for her life towards her room with cold sweats on her forehead, throbbing heart and mind almost numb! The moment she entered her room, doors shut on their own and the light bulb started to flicker.
To her surprise, she could see in the mirror the same translucent figure holding an axe in the left hand. The walls in her room appeared to her as moving towards her, trying to crush her in between and the ceiling was trying to grab her up. She was soaked to the bone and scared out of her wits. Now, it was unbearable for her, beyond her imagination! Hence, she fainted out of fear and collapsed on the floor.
The clock struck half-past twelve. The dim moonlight fell on her face that made her eyes blink with a jerk. The door opened on its own making a creaky sound. She stood up and walked like a lifeless body! Exactly in the center of the garden under the Night-Blooming Jasmine, she sat and started to weep heavily. Tears shedding her cheeks constantly, if I may say she was mourning!! At times, hugging the Night-Blooming Jasmine and more often hugging her knees and repeatedly saying, " Why did you do this to me? Why? What was my fault? Where had things gone wrong? Why did you do this to me?" in a masculine voice. Her shrieks were too loud to be heard easily. As a result, Mr. and Mrs.D'Souza and Peter came out to look what's wrong? The moment they saw it was Lily they couldn't believe their eyes!! The constant grieving and crying made her faint again. Dramatically, the Night-Blooming Jasmine's flowers blew and spread over her! Mrs.D'Souza shrieked, "My Lord!!!" and began sobbing, Peter was in shock and Mr.D'Souza went near Lily, knelt down, and rested her head in his lap's asking, "My dear child(carresing her hairs), what happened? Dad is always with you and nobody can harm you...Come on, come back to senses..My dear child, please listen...Dad wants to talk with you!"
Will Lilly ever come back to her senses? Why was she speaking in a masculine tone? Why did the mud remain in her nails? What has the Night-Blooming Jasmine to do with whatever happens in the garden?
To be continued.....
Stay tuned...😊
~ Kaynat Sultana Qureshi

well written....dear....suspense goes on....lets see what happens finally!!!
nail-bitingly thrilling!!! Can't wait for the next chapter:)