This is a story of a single child and her small family. Her father was a non smoker and drinker but still he didn't know how to behave with his family. some or the other day for no reason he will start and argument and end up with abuses and blunt words.
His daughter was an average student but she was always appreciated for her communication skills, expressions & thinking skills but at her home she was always asked to shut her mouth because he always considered her to be a biggest mistakes. but one fine day, he started an argument which had no relevance to anything says his daughter that what have you done so far in life (to an undergraduate person). you have not earned money for this family. she said, let me get graduate first then i'll start earning but then since she replied back, this hurt his ego. and he grabbed her neck but her mother was their to protect her. after seeing this, he dragged his wife to the corner holding her hair.
is the way, a human behaves with another.
is this society safe for women even at their home?
lets think about it!

You portrayed it so well!! There are many women in our country who have become prisoners of their own house.... And sad fact is that most of them are bounded by their situations or mindset to even get out of it. Sucks!! but so true...
You have present a good view of narrow-minded society. But the thing is how to fight back or again like orthodox we will shut down.
Patriarchy sucks but more than that there are some disgusting humans who suck .