Equality// As I stood on the dried banks of the old river, The dreadful stink made me shiver. The river floor was blemished with a million pieces of litter, Plastics everywhere, Our species lasting legacy to the nature. It was a corporate outreach initiative, We had the goal to clean a small stretch of the river bed. Display to the world that equality can still be maintained, Between the nature and human progress. Plan was simple, Sweep the half a mile stretch, And segregate the wastes. Plastic to be recycled, Rest to be dumped inconspicuously elsewhere. We had to load the garbage on the five trucks standing near. Pose for photographs for the media, Enjoy a company sponsored lunch thereafter. But our plan had one major gap. To segregate the wastes, We had to first unwrap each plastic bag. Most of the volunteers then refused, As it was way more than they had signed for. Almost all were high paid MBAs, Who won't even make their own bed. And here they were expected to unwrap these stinking old garbage bags? With the local press covering the event, Our CEO was now under pressure. She couldn't let things go out of order. She decided to take the matter in her own hands. "For these young brat of employees, I will set an example that they will never forget". That's what she muttered or something like that. Lonewolf she was, As she stepped deep inside the dried river bed, With hardly any water, But uncountable stinking plastic bags. She lifted one plastic bag and started to unwrap. Media focused all the attention on her, While all the other employees cheered with loud claps. The event was live streamed across the world. Our CEO was charismatic, Her determination was bold. She removed her face mask,
In the moment of her glory. The shutterbugs just went crazy. And then she glanced inside the plastic bag, That she was holding tight. All her smile disappeared, Her face distorted, And she kept screaming,
With all her might. She fainted then and there, Leaving everyone else clueless. We rushed to her rescue, No, not knights in shining armour,
Rescuing a lady in distress. But we were more worried about, If something were to happen to her, Who would sign our next paycheck. As we lifted her out of the dried river floor, We were delighted that she was breathing though. It was just the stink that got better of her. And when she she regained her consciousness, She couldn't eat for two days in a row. Next day all major newspapers across, Had the photograph of our unconscious CEO on the front page. With the caption- "Equality between the nature and human progress!" (c) Anurag Talukdar
This is a very bold and different take on the topic 👏🏼