My dream man is a usual person,
But he is not a visual person,
Neither he is invisible,
Nor he is visible,
It is not that I don't know him,
He comes in dream,
It is just that I have never seen him,
In the real frame,
I know he exists somewhere,
But I don't know the exact place,
I don't want to search him anywhere,
Because for him I have a separate fan base,
Just loving is not enough,
Giving respect means a lot,
I never think of him,
But still he arrives,
In my dreams,
In a particular time,
I talk with him,
I spend my time,
He is my partner in crime,
But only for hours,
As he gets separated from me,
Just like scattered flowers,
I want to meet him,
But not just in dream,
In my real life,
Not in my reel,
All the gossips which I do with him,
Are always true,
But whatever he speaks,
I always forget,
It goes in vain when I try to recollect,
But after everything,
I am happy,
As I have someone,
To share my thoughts,
To speak my words,
But still I want,
That God grants,
My dream man in real life to me.