We all have our own choices to make. Every decision of our life is our choice, Parental pressure, yes it's an excuse And a good one but not good enough. Coz it shows you didn't try hard enough To make them understand your reasons To take or not take that particular decision, Or a challenge you couldn't complete. Societal pressure, it's another excuse Which you use more than enough times To not take responsibility for your decision Especially the wrong ones. And, if you are still blaming others For your decisions, you haven't excepted Your fault in it, and you fear about Everyone's opinion of you. Coz the day you start to accept Your responsibilities for the results Of all your decisions, you'll understand The reasons behind them and then People's opinion of you won't matter anymore. Acceptance is the biggest challenge ever In everyone's life, we have to accept All our failures, as success doesn't need Any acceptance is already recognised. It's our choice of how we see a particular change. Especially when it is in other's life...!! Coz hey!! That is how society works, By answering unasked questions, By poking the sensitive topics, By enjoying the ruins of others, And by deciding what's right or wrong Without even knowing the crumb of it. Yes, you can know a lot about A person by the way s/he talks and behaves, How s/he reacts and deal with their challenges? Whether introvert or extrovert or both Can hide a lot, and show a part. But deciding a person's character Just based on any one or two factors, Is enough? It is again a choice that we make, And a Challenge that we face...!!
-miraculously miracleโฃ
#napowrimo #napowrimoday5 #napowrimo2021 #challenges #choicesandchallenges #poetry #poem #choices #consequences
So true ๐