Every time we move, we leave some part of us behind. Writers have often made use of this sentence and justified the change in character of their protagonist once they move to a new place. There are enough descriptions of falling in love with a new place and adopting traits of the same. However, there is another side to this journey. Yes, the journey itself. Myriad of changes happen in that journey from one place to another which includes both addition and deletion of traits, ideas and understandings. Take for example the girl who leaves her parental home during marriage, that last car ride from home. The amount of electrical impulses generated in the brain during that journey, the thoughts and the tears and yet the joy of moving on. The UPSC aspirant slogs 15 hours everyday for an unknown goal 3 years down the line, he has no idea whether his body can support this journey or not, whether his parents will be alive to see him win or not, yet he moves forward paragraph by paragraph, everyday. The journey changes him permanently, in ways that nobody can pre-empt. Shifting to a new place, making new friends and adapting to the surroundings; all these become tougher as we age, as our body gives us signs of fatigue or mood swings become unbearable. Yet, we can move forward, we can go the extra mile; it all depends on our motivation and attitude to thwart every challenge and move forward. Speed doesn't matter as long as it is forward.
I was always fascinated by travel. I find it very similar to our life's journey.

A beautifully penned down thought 👌
That is some thought. 👏
What a beautiful point of view. 👏👏. Travel really changes us, whether it is permanent or something temporary... i mean the travel.