Butterflies; I haven’t seen one in a while. I wonder where they are. I do look for them but all I see are flowers of spring sitting idle in the company of dust and smug.
Perhaps they are lost and looking for spring!
Perhaps they are late like all good things; I remember running after butterflies when I was a child, smeared in vivid colours and the evident magic of evolution they carried in their wings. Now, there are colossal flyovers where there used to be gardens; roads where there used to be forests, drains where there used to be rivers. I wonder if it is the world or is it me who have changed? Where are my butterflies? Perhaps amidst fast cars and noisy shopping malls; they are lost. Perhaps amidst scrolling down pictures of beautiful strangers and trying to be beautiful; they are lost. Perhaps they are lost because they couldn’t be bought and sold? Or have they too emigrated to first world countries where life is easy and development is sustainable? My fast pacing nation progresses away, while my innocence fleets away like unseen butterflies.