There has been this discussion of human immortality since days humanity cannot remember. From the stories of Gods to the stories of Super Heroes, there has always been the dream of immortality within ourselves. And as humanity is undergoing better and efficient technological improvements, this dream of immortality is being persevered even strongly.

Well, technology has made our lives easier, better and has enabled us to achieve things that we could not dream of earlier. From going to Moon to planning human trips and colonization in Mars, technology has made us believe in possibilities that seemed impossible a few decades back.

And now, technology is becoming so advanced that it has made us believe in human immortality. The ‘2045 Initiative’ founded by Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov believes the same and has taken a step ahead.

“The main science mega-project of the 2045 initiative aims to create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s
personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, and extending life, including to the point of immortality” reads their website. An ‘Avatar’ as they call it.

Humans have always lived in a biological form, and it is very hard to imagine what kind of technological form our bodies will take. We may live in the form of nano-robots and may be capable of taking any form we want. Or we won’t have any physical presence at all?
The crises humanity is facing in the 21st century are the causes for demand of such revolutionary transition from biological to technological form. And one very powerful tool that definitely will help us achieve this transition is AI. It has been very long that humanity discovered AI, but its evolution and adaptation has been
very controversial throughout the history. But many entrepreneurs believe that AI has high potential to overcome problems we human could not solve.

And the 2045 initiative is no different. They call it the “Avatar”, the technological form of humanity in which we will continue living even after death. The integration of human brain and personality with this ‘Avatar’ is expected to be achieved by 2045. They have categorized this avatar as per technological advancements and is building co-operative relationships among different organisations ad individuals to achieve the common goal.
The ‘Avatar A’ is supposed to be the robotic copy of human body controlled by Brain Computer Interface (BCI) aimed to get developed between 2015 and 2020. And the ‘Avatar B’ is the form where human brain is to be transplanted at the end of one’s life,
which is planned to be achieved by 2025. And between 2030 and 2035, the Avatar C is planned to be formed with an artificial brain in which human personality is transferred at the end of one’s life. And at the last stage that is 2040-2045, a hologram like avatar is expected which will mark the human transition to non-biological form and a new era of humanity with holographic bodies will be experienced.
So, are we gonna beat the nature in the game of evolution and create a system of our own or going to lose to the challenges like climate change, asteroid fall or some other random natural destruction?
Well, only time will tell where human efforts and technological revolution take us.
Now we need to see if Humanity experiences "AVATAR" by 2045 or we need to wait longer.